The blog of a bum who thinks too much. Or, maybe not enough.

About Me -- Confusion abounds

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Urbana, Illinois, United States
Thirty-one-year-old gay guy blogging for blog's sake.


Amazon problems

Last week, I sold a Super Nintendo through my Amazon store. The customer who bought the system contacted me today to tell me he has yet to receive it! I sent him two emails telling him to be more patient, and contact me if he receives it in the meantime.

Between those two emails, I went to my Amazon store seller account and checked out the delivery confirmation code. Lo-and-behold, the shipment made it to Michigan on October 28th, only two days after I sent it. I then sent him the second email that told him to check his local USPS to see if they had it in some undeliverable state.

So: there are two options. The first option is that the buyer is a shyster who is looking to shake me down for a primo retro video game system. The other option is that the system was delivered, but it was stolen between delivery time and when the buyer got home. Hell, I don't know.

Either way, this could be bad news for me if he doesn't receive his system. I rarely sell things through my Amazon store, so therefore my overall store rating would be severely affected by a negative rating from this buyer. I wonder what could have prevented this guy from receiving the system from me?

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