The blog of a bum who thinks too much. Or, maybe not enough.

About Me -- Confusion abounds

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Urbana, Illinois, United States
Thirty-one-year-old gay guy blogging for blog's sake.


this before that

I honestly don't understand my brain. There are times it will be lit on fire; ideas will come to me and creativity will flow. Other times, it will be muddled with fog. It seems like I simply can't "ignite" my brain to do what I want it to do. I've talked about this before as "fog." I experienced this today, and I found it frustrating.

I tried to do my pre-calculus homework, but I just couldn't comprehend the algebra. These damn word problems aren't even that difficult, and I have a feeling I could have done more of them if I could just get my brain started. I got angry.

So I put away that math homework and took notes from my Accounting book. It is a good thing the first part of my accounting course is mostly concepts, because I am better with those. Later in the semester it changes over to mathematical concepts of accounting. I hope I can handle it because I'm worried since I can't handle the "easy" shit from pre-calc.

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