The blog of a bum who thinks too much. Or, maybe not enough.

About Me -- Confusion abounds

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Urbana, Illinois, United States
Thirty-one-year-old gay guy blogging for blog's sake.


Buy and Sell

I am done with my Christmas shopping. I feel so relieved. I changed over the years. I remember I used to like going to big, crowded shopping malls and just watch the people shopping. I found it fascinating. I found fascination in the number of people and how different they all were from each other: Tall and Short; Skinny and Fat; whitest Whites and the blackest Blacks; Edgy and Sane. I thought it was a venerable microcosm of humanity. Sometime over the past decade I changed. Now I feel a distinct sense of claustrophobia in the crowds. I feel a distinct sense of despair at how much people feel the need to buy, Buy, BUY without any regard to how much money they spend, and why they need mountains of shit in the first place. Whatever. I can't tell people how to [over]spend what they earn. The end of oil will dictate that.

But alas, while I was acquiring, I was also unloading. A few hours yesterday I listed a bunch of old video games, some game guides, a Nintendo DS, and a Super Nintendo on Amazon. While I was listing my items, I sold the Nintendo DS. I checked the time stamp from when it sold, and it stayed listed in my store a whopping 45 minutes. I found that astounding. Yesterday I sent the Nintendo DS to the buyer. Today I sent off Panzer Dragoon Orta for the XBox and The World Ends with You for the DS. I put my store on a vacation status because I don't want to think of people buying from when during this weekend when I cannot sent things through the mail. So I'm pretty happy I was able to unload some of my old stuff. I hope the recipients enjoy it as much as I have.


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