The blog of a bum who thinks too much. Or, maybe not enough.

About Me -- Confusion abounds

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Urbana, Illinois, United States
Thirty-one-year-old gay guy blogging for blog's sake.


The Underwater Dream

I am renown for my psychadelic dreams. The one I had last night was no exception.

From what I can remember, the dream started off with a regular guy who just happened to be a diver. Somehow, he was bequeathed the ability to sustain the super-high pressures and low temperatures of the deep ocean. I get the feeling that this circumstance was some sort of mutation because the other people who were around him were a bit alusive towards Diver Guy. Anyway, Diver Guy decides to visit a deep trench in the Atlantic Ocean.

He swims down to the bottom of this trench, and, lo-and-behold, there is a thriving civilization of deep-sea humanoids. They were a bit taller than regular humans, but they had strange blotchy skin, slightly-larger-than-normal heads, and strange hands. I get the impression their hands were a combination of human hands and fins. They could also hear into the supersonic ranges, and they could see into the infrared range as well.

So, Diver Guy makes friends with some underwater civilization envoys, and he begins to explore their culture. Come to find out, the Deep Sea People consider the deep sea trenches continents, just like humans consider large land masses continents. We have seven, but DSP only have three continents. Travel to those continents is pretty complicated, since the DSP cannot handle the pressures of high water. I think they had some sort of Futurama tube transportation system. I really cannot be sure.

After exploring the Deep Sea Trench Civilization, Diver Guy is pretty tired, so he goes to a fast food restaurant with a really bland color palatte. Now that I think about it, the dream was pretty bland. Most of the colors were either white or off-white, with some blues thrown in. Anyway, Diver Guy is in the fast food restaurant, and he is trying to watch TV. Unfortunately, he can't do so because he doesn't have the sensory range as DSP. After his restaurant experience, he goes back to his envoy, and he asks why he can't watch TV. Underwater Envoy tells DSG that he can't see into their range, but he could scale down a TV so he could watch it. Come to find out, DSP TV isn't like our TV. Their TVs are LED lights arranged in a grid-like fashion. The LED lights would flash iconic patterns, instead of images.

And then I woke up.

So, basically, this dream was weird combination of Waterworld and The Abyss. This reminds me. I should watch The Abyss again.

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